How to make your nails grow faster?

Nails grow on average 3 to 4 millimeters per month. However, the speed of their growth can vary depending on their state of health, and the way we take care of them. To put all the chances on your side, the nail supply expert Maryton will show you some tips to make your nails grow faster.

The Right Care to Promote Nail Growth Fast

  • Using Nourishing Nail Oils: Nourishing oils are a great way to strengthen nails and keep them healthy. Olive, castor, almond, or vitamin E oils are particularly recommended. Gently massage a small amount of oil into your nails and cuticles each night before going to bed. This will help deeply moisturize nails and promote growth.
  • The Role of Supplements in Nail Growth: In addition to a balanced diet, supplements can be beneficial in stimulating nail growth. Supplements containing B vitamins, biotin, zinc, or iron are particularly recommended. Consult a healthcare professional to determine which supplements are best suited to your individual needs.
  • Massage Techniques to Improve Blood Circulation to Nails: By regularly performing gentle massages on your fingers, you can stimulate blood circulation to your nails. Use your thumbs to gently massage the base of each nail for a few minutes every day. This will help improve the overall health of your nails.
  • Daily Cuticle Moisturization: Cuticles play a crucial role in protecting your nails from infection and damage. It is therefore important to keep them moisturized and healthy. Apply a cream or oil specially designed for cuticles regularly and massage gently to promote absorption. This will help prevent dry cuticles and maintain the integrity of your nails.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Trauma: The chemicals present in some nail polishes, harsh nail polish removers, or even using them as tools can be detrimental to the health and growth of your nails. Instead, opt for natural nail care products and avoid exposing them to unnecessary trauma.

Daily Actions to Grow Nails Faster

The actions you take on a daily basis can have a significant impact on the growth of your nails. Here are some simple tips to incorporate into your routine to promote healthy nail growth:

  • Gently massage your nails: Stimulating blood circulation is essential for optimal nail growth. By gently massaging your nails with your fingers, you promote circulation and the supply of nutrients to the matrix of your nails. Take a few minutes each day to gently massage the base of your nails.
  • Avoid biting or using them as tools: Bad habits such as biting your nails or using them as tools can lead to breakage and deformation. Resist the temptation to chew them or use them to scratch surfaces. Treat your nails with gentleness and respect.
  • Wear gloves when doing household chores: Harsh chemicals and hot water used during household chores can weaken your nails. To protect them, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves when cleaning, gardening or doing any work that may expose your nails to chemicals or excessive moisture.
  • Avoid trauma: Avoid unnecessary trauma to your nails. Avoid hitting them against hard objects, scratching them violently or exposing them to excessive pressure. Be careful when performing manual tasks or handling heavy objects.
  • Maintain good hygiene: A disposable manicure kit will be your best ally. Keep your nails clean and well-groomed by cleaning them regularly with a soft brush and lukewarm water. Dry them thoroughly after each wash to avoid excessive moisture.

To push back the cuticles, we recommend using suitable tools, such as a wooden stick (cuticle pusher). The best time to do this? After showering or bathing, the cuticles are soft and there is no risk of injury. To be done once a week!

Read also: How to prevent vertical cracks on nails?


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